How I Learned Macedonian in One Year
Здраво, повелете?” “Здраво. Може макијиато со цимет? фала.” We’ve lived in Skopje, North Macedonia for a year now and my favorite part of being here
Здраво, повелете?” “Здраво. Може макијиато со цимет? фала.” We’ve lived in Skopje, North Macedonia for a year now and my favorite part of being here
If you’re looking for a challenge, or want to learn a new language like a native speaker, then keep reading. This post will show you eleven effective methods to teach yourself a new language.
How I learned 5,000 new language vocab words in 6 months
An app or program can be a great resource for learning a new language, but it’s important that you use them as such. The best language learning apps are those that offer a personalized approach.